Trascar is the ideal partner for the supply of integrated systems for all logistics service providers with high added value and who want to achieve maximum operational efficiency and flexibility.


To achieve these results, the logistics centers must be designed in such a way that the storage, picking, loading and unloading areas coexist in harmony, all guided by the software in order to speed up all phases.

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The internal logistic handling systems (manual and automatic) must be designed to ensure the optimal internal routes, as well as the receiving and picking phases must be efficient as these are among the most complex operations within a logistics center.


Storage must take into account the characteristics of the parts, pallet or boxes and the turnover rates, without forgetting the management of stocks.


Trascar, thanks to the countless references acquired, is able to create totally automated and specific solutions in the logistics sector to optimize the requests of the specific Customer.


Soluzioni per Logistica

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Case Histories for Logistic

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Antonio Capaldo S.p.A., a Company leader in ironmongery and house decoration details trade
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CTL-Cooperativa Trasporto Latte trusted to Trascar Utit for the new automatic warehouse in refrigerated ambient


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