GUIDO GIUSO Error-proof variability: this is the Trascar’s Automatic Warehouse System that supports the reliability of competitive Companies. It is possible to efficiently combine the variability of products with reliability in the preparation of shipments. Obviously,...
LESAFFRE From green field to final testing “ready for the use”: the new automated and refrigerated warehouse ofLesaffre is a reality thanks to Trascar The Company of Modena was chosen as main contractor of the new storage complex and handling realized in the province...
I.D.A.V. Artic temperature and high storage intensity for the automatic warehouse of I.D.A.V. S.p.A. –Ambrosio Group, realised by Trascar. It has been realised a new automatic warehouse for the leader company in production of comfits, candieds and confectionery...
FCR A super technological warehouse for Farmacie Comunali Riunite in Reggio Emilia Trascar Utit designed and built an installation capable of handling more than 35.5 million packages and approximately 450 thousand orders per year. This huge amount of orders can be...
CTL – COOPERATIVA TRASPORTO LATTE CTL-Cooperativa Trasporto Latte trusted to Trascar Utit for the new automatic warehouse in refrigerated ambient. The system realized at Bologna’s factory is able to handle at the same time 120 pallet/hour, and it’s equipped with...